FCP Euro
At our core, we are dedicated to becoming the most valued and trusted European online auto parts retailer globally, driven by an unwavering commitment to quality and exceptional service. We take pride in offering only the highest quality replacement auto parts, complemented by unparalleled customer support. Our aim is to empower the do-it-yourself enthusiast with the knowledge and technical assistance needed to effectively maintain and enjoy their vehicles. To achieve this, we meticulously curate our catalog to include top-tier OEM parts from renowned brands such as Bosch, Sachs, Bilstein, Lemforder, and Brembo. Additionally, we have developed an extensive YouTube library filled with Do-It-Yourself instructional content, designed to assist car owners in fixing and maintaining their vehicles. This initiative is aimed at enriching their overall car ownership experience. For those seeking quality options, we also provide a variety of secondhand parts in Milford, ensuring that everyone has access to reliable automotive solutions.
Contact Information
155 Hill St Suite 7, Milford, CT 06460, United States